Some time ago my son suffered a hordeolum disease or often called "Timbilen". Immediately, I asked the mbah Google, mbah timbilen drugs ... what the heck?, After I knew the cure, I just went to a pharmacy to buy drugs timbilen. Thank God now my child's eyes are healthy again. Just what is Timbilen and how to cure?. Below I summarize the explanation that I collated from searches on the internet.
Hordeolum (style you want) is an infection or inflammation of the glands at the edge of the upper eyelid and the bottom is caused by bacteria, usually by the Staphylococcal bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus).
Hordeolum can arise in one or more eyelid gland. Eyelid gland include Meibom gland, the gland Zeis and Moll.
Based on the place, hordeolum divided into 2 types:
Hordeolum internal, occurs in Meibom gland. In this internal hordeolum bump leads to the conjunctiva (the lining of the inner eyelid).
Hordeolum externa, occurs in lymph gland Zeis and Moll. Lump visible from outside the outer skin of the eyelid (palpebra).
Hordeolum signs are very easy to recognize, that seems a lump on the upper eyelid or lower, reddish. Occasionally visible whitish or yellowish spots accompanied by swelling of the eyelids.
In internal hordeolum, bumps will appear more clearly with the eyelid.
Complaints are often felt by people with a sense of which hordeolum prop the eyelids, pain and more pain when say looking down. Sometimes eyes watery and sensitive to light.
Hordeolum can form an abscess in the eyelid and broken by removing the pus.
In general hordeolum can heal itself (self-limited) in 1-2 weeks. But not infrequently require special treatment, topical medications (antibiotic ointment or eye drops) or in combination with oral antibiotics (taken).
Hordeolum management sequence is as follows:
Warm compresses for about 10-15 minutes, 4 times a day.
Topical antibiotics (ointments, eye drops), for example: gentamycin, Neomycin, Polimyxin B, Chloramphenicol, Dibekacin, Fucidic acid, and others. Topical medications used for 7-10 days, per physician, especially in the phase of inflammation.
Oral antibiotics (taken), for example: Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Erythromycin, Doxycyclin. Oral antibiotics are used if hordeolum showed no improvement with topical antibiotics. The drug is administered for 7-10 days. The use and choice of oral antibiotics only on the recommendation of physicians based on test results.
The doses of antibiotics in children is determined by body weight according to each type of antibiotic and the severity of hordeolum.
Symptomatic medications (to reduce complaints) can be given to relieve pain, for example: acetaminophen, mefenamic acid, ibuprofen, and the like.
Avoid-ucek rubbed or pressed hordeolum.
Do not squeeze hordeolum. Let hordeolum broke by itself, then wipe with a sterile gauze when out pus or fluid from hordeolum.
Close your eyes when cleaning hordeolum.
To temporarily stop the use of make-up of the eye.
Remove contact lenses (contact lenses) during the treatment period.
When do the incision?
Incision is recommended (penyayatan) and drainage on hordeolum, if:
Hordeolum showed no improvement with topical antibiotic medications and oral antibiotics within 2-4 weeks.
Hordeolum already large or abscess was demonstrated phase.
After the incision is recommended controls in a week or more to the incision wound healing in order to really heal completely.
Keep face and hand washing before touching the face to hordeolum not easily repeated.
Wipe the eyelids gently used warm washlap to clean up the excretion of fat glands.
Keep eye make-up equipment to avoid contamination by germs.
Use goggles if traveling in dusty areas.
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