Tips and How To Treat & Overcoming Diarrhea / Diarrhoea

Hello friends..Sometimes we as human being negligent towards the health of our bodies, so it can not shy away from foods that are not hygienic or clean seeds of all kinds of germs and disease. If we are not hygienic food then we could digestive disease that one result is diarrhea or loose stools, diarrhea. Besides diarrhea can be caused by chemicals in food poisoning, colds, dehydration (lack of body fluids) and others.

Diarrhea is a condition in which a person's bowel movements multiple times in one day which exceeds the normal limits and feces or feces that comes out of thin or thick liquid with a wind / gas from the stomach. Here below are the 4 (four) technique or a way to cope with diarrhea or loose stools, diarrhea.

1. Drink Plenty of Water White

Frequently drink water that much because of the frequent bowel movements the body will lose a lot of fluid that should always be replaced with new fluid. CHAPTER drink after every one or two glasses of water or mineral water is clean and cooked.

Drink oral rehydration salts which is a sugar solution to help resist the formation of energy and diarrhea / dysentery after discharged CHAPTER. Avoid drinking coffee, tea etc. are able to stimulate gastric acid.

2. Eat Special Foods

Avoid eating fibrous foods such as gelatin, vegetable and fruit because fibrous foods will only prolong the diarrhea. Fibrous food is only good for people with a bowel obstruction.

For patients with diarrhea should eat foods low in fiber dah smooth like rice or rice porridge with side dishes of salted egg lemes. Here the rice will be a sugar to provide energy, while the salted egg will provide protein and salt for diarrhea and as an agent holding a body builder. Avoid eating out at random and spicy foods containing chillies and pepper.

3. Enough Rest
It is inevitable that people who waste water will feel weak, weak, lethargic, less passionate, and so on. For that for those of you who already feel very weak or the school should request permission from the office to avoid the worst or embarrassing in public places. Sleep as much as possible but do not forget the time eating the food and drugs should be regularly, drinking lots, worship and pray and others.

4. Drink Drugs With the Right Dose
There is a good idea to consult with your doctor and ask for the right medicine for you, because every person has the characteristics of each in drug selection. Hospitals, physician practice, clinic or other clinics that appropriate permissions department of health is the right choice because it has a good doctor with good medicine, too. If you doubt just go to another doctor to get more information.

After getting the drug was appropriate drug dosage drink a specified time. Usually the doctor will prescribe mules, diarrhea medications, vitamins and antibiotics. For drug mules and diarrhea should be taken if the stomach pains and diarrhea alone and stop if it stops mules and diarrhea. As for the antibiotics must be spent in order to germs and other germs and do not form a death total resistance. For whatever vitamin you want to spend or not, but it would not hurt if it is spent because the vitamin is good for you as long as not excessive.
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Tips to Lose Weight Naturally

Rounding out a healthy diet tips. This time I will give you tips to lose weight naturally. Many people who have problems with obesity. Inevitably someone will always plump unsightly eye. This problem makes a lot of people want to lose weight.

Who would not be pleased and proud to have a slim and healthy body? Although for some people the physical is not everything. Well now many, many ways to lose weight quickly.

Anyone using natural ingredients, some use drugs, there is also dieting to lose weight that is too harsh and can cause disease even for the users themselves.

Here is a quick way to lose weight naturally:

1. Drinking Water
A simple way to drink at least 2 liters of water / day. Because water helps the body's metabolic processes to convert food into energy needed. Here water also serves as fuel to drive the reaction of the body's metabolism. So if you do not drink water, then you can not burn calories.

2. Sports

Sports is already common knowledge as the most trusted way to lose weight. Ragalah exercise regularly to maintain the condition of the body remains healthy.

3. Food
From some research on foods that can help you lose weight, experts have said that there are some foods that are proven to be a useful food to lose weight. It is a fruit wine food, sardines, fruit squash, eating beef and drinking green tea.

4. Do not Consume Alcohol
One way to reduce unwanted calories to consume is to reduce alcohol drinking. Some desire to drink alcohol because of the perception generated by the alcohol in the form of taste and relaxation effect. But that is not widely known is that drinking can also be caused by thirst and hunger. Maintaining hydration and do not go to a bar or restaurant very hungry can suppress alcohol intake.

5. Familiarize Breakfast
Breakfast is often mistrusted as a way to lose weight, but the breakfast was also useful for weight loss. If your breakfast in the morning, you can reduce your consumption of lunch. Enough bananas, yogurt, cereal, bread etc. for snacks that contain plenty of fiber and protein will give you a sense of satiety until it was time for lunch.
* If you like drinking tea, mild green tea every day can help you burn about 70 calories more a day.
* If you like to drink milk, you should not select the full cream. Please drink consumption of low fat milk.

6. Eating slowly in a way
Put a spoon or fork when you're chewing, drinking mineral water after each chew, and chew food a few times before swallowing.

7. Use a smaller plate
Custom in our country is spent on food on a plate, no matter how many calories the food and the plate size. As a workaround, use smaller plates. You will feel full by eating less.

8. Limit carbohydrate
Foods high in protein, such as fish, is the best dinner option to control body weight. This is because protein makes you full longer. If you want to consume carbohydrates, avoid simple, because it is more likely to be stored as fat rather than used as energy.

Those are some quick ways to lose weight naturally. Still there are additional tips that you should consider:

1. If you eat that contains carbohydrates (rice) should not be mixed with protein-containing (dagung / fish). But eat along with the vegetables.
2. Size max 6 tablespoons rice, and for meat / fish meal was a piece kira2 wrote.
3. Do not eat on at 7 tonight.
4. Do not eat food preservation / canned, try to multiply the vegetables and fruits
5. Every morning I wake up drink a glass of water plus lime juice 1 slice.
6. Breakfast will only be the fruit / oatmeal, if not resistant to nyemil fruit slices at 10 am.

 May be useful for you! 
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Aloe Vera, Burn Most Powerful Drug

You know aloe vera, a plant that it chewy and the edges are small thorns. If we cut into pieces, there will be a viscous liquid from the plant stem, the fluid is what can we use to heal the burns on your body.

Aloe vera has been known since the time of Nefertiti and Cleopatra as the medication beauty. Alexander the Great also got advice from Aristotle to colonize the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean with the famous crocodile tongues. Aloe Vera Alexander as required by the drug battle wounds.

Aloe Vera is a healer of the fastest burns, no one can match it, and also the most effective against the skin.

Aloe vera has 75 chemicals that are a total of only 1% of the remainder of the water. Chemicals can not stand alone and must be used together. Best and most effective way is to use Aloe Vera which is still fresh because once broken aloe vera will be oxidized. Overall, the Aloe Vera will provide fuel anti-panas/anti-luka effect, anti-bacteria on the skin and moisturize the skin so that skin will be less itchy and no infection.

It would be nice if every home maintain at least a pot of aloe vera so that when needed can be used easily.
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8 Supporting Healthy Food Diet

You're dieting?. Having a slender body is the dream of all people, especially women. Because if women become fatter then her beauty will be reduced, right ...:-).

A diet should not be done haphazardly, you should set a healthy diet because if not then it will be exposed to sick your body. In addition to the diet you also need to exercise regularly. Overall it should be in balance with a healthy diet.

Well, here is the type of food that works well in supporting the body that can maintain the consistency of the diet that you live. The following 8 types of food, may be an option your diet:

1. Apple
For a mere 95 calories, a medium-sized apple contains 4 grams of fiber. And a recent study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, showed that increasing fiber intake can prevent weight gain, and actually help promote weight loss.

2. Soup
Studies have been published in the journal Appetite, showed that those who start the meal with a soup of vegetables, 20 percent have fewer calories. In addition, it also feels more filling soup.

3. Oatmeal
Breakfast with oatmeal or bran cereal, 3 hours before exercise can help you burn more fat. At least this is suggested by a study which was published in the Journal of Nutrition. The reason: eating these foods does not raise blood sugar as high as eating foods containing refined carbohydrates, like white bread. In turn, insulin levels will not be high, because the role of insulin signals the body to store fat, have lower levels so it can help burn fat.

4. Mushrooms
Mushrooms contain low in calories and fat. However, studies have found that when people eat mushrooms, they feel full just like when they eat beef.

5. Almond
Chewing more often were also able to withstand hunger. This is the conclusion of a study that revealed in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Through the study, participants were asked to chew two ounces of almonds in several stages. Starting from 10 times, 25 times to 40 times. When they chew almonds for 40 times, they feel full longer. Researcher, Rick Mate, Ph.D., RD, from Purdue University, concluded the longer they chewed almonds then the greater the release of fat.

6. eggs
In one study noted that eating eggs for breakfast make the stomach feel full longer and lose weight are two times more than those who had breakfast with bread, although it has the same number of calories.

7. Chili
In one study, eating chili 30 minutes before meals, can help reduce hunger in study participants. In fact they were eating 10 percent less likely.

8. Low Calorie Food
According to a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, avoid the intake of sugary foods can cause you to overeat. One reason may be due to the loss of intake of sweet foods can stimulate the release of molecules in the brain called corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), which is generated when you feel fear, anxiety or stress. Increased stress can decrease your motivation to consume more nutritious foods, and more allow you to consume junk food.

That's the healthy eating that you can make in supporting a healthy diet. May be useful ..!
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Drugs for Timbilen or hordeolum

Some time ago my son suffered a hordeolum disease or often called "Timbilen". Immediately, I asked the mbah Google, mbah timbilen drugs ... what the heck?, After I knew the cure, I just went to a pharmacy to buy drugs timbilen. Thank God now my child's eyes are healthy again. Just what is Timbilen and how to cure?. Below I summarize the explanation that I collated from searches on the internet.

Hordeolum (style you want) is an infection or inflammation of the glands at the edge of the upper eyelid and the bottom is caused by bacteria, usually by the Staphylococcal bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus).
Hordeolum can arise in one or more eyelid gland. Eyelid gland include Meibom gland, the gland Zeis and Moll.

Based on the place, hordeolum divided into 2 types:

     Hordeolum internal, occurs in Meibom gland. In this internal hordeolum bump leads to the conjunctiva (the lining of the inner eyelid).
     Hordeolum externa, occurs in lymph gland Zeis and Moll. Lump visible from outside the outer skin of the eyelid (palpebra).


Hordeolum signs are very easy to recognize, that seems a lump on the upper eyelid or lower, reddish. Occasionally visible whitish or yellowish spots accompanied by swelling of the eyelids.
In internal hordeolum, bumps will appear more clearly with the eyelid.
Complaints are often felt by people with a sense of which hordeolum prop the eyelids, pain and more pain when say looking down. Sometimes eyes watery and sensitive to light.
Hordeolum can form an abscess in the eyelid and broken by removing the pus.


In general hordeolum can heal itself (self-limited) in 1-2 weeks. But not infrequently require special treatment, topical medications (antibiotic ointment or eye drops) or in combination with oral antibiotics (taken).
Hordeolum management sequence is as follows:

     Warm compresses for about 10-15 minutes, 4 times a day.
     Topical antibiotics (ointments, eye drops), for example: gentamycin, Neomycin, Polimyxin B, Chloramphenicol, Dibekacin, Fucidic acid, and others. Topical medications used for 7-10 days, per physician, especially in the phase of inflammation.
     Oral antibiotics (taken), for example: Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Erythromycin, Doxycyclin. Oral antibiotics are used if hordeolum showed no improvement with topical antibiotics. The drug is administered for 7-10 days. The use and choice of oral antibiotics only on the recommendation of physicians based on test results.

The doses of antibiotics in children is determined by body weight according to each type of antibiotic and the severity of hordeolum.
Symptomatic medications (to reduce complaints) can be given to relieve pain, for example: acetaminophen, mefenamic acid, ibuprofen, and the like.


     Avoid-ucek rubbed or pressed hordeolum.
     Do not squeeze hordeolum. Let hordeolum broke by itself, then wipe with a sterile gauze when out pus or fluid from hordeolum.
     Close your eyes when cleaning hordeolum.
     To temporarily stop the use of make-up of the eye.
     Remove contact lenses (contact lenses) during the treatment period.

When do the incision?

Incision is recommended (penyayatan) and drainage on hordeolum, if:

     Hordeolum showed no improvement with topical antibiotic medications and oral antibiotics within 2-4 weeks.
     Hordeolum already large or abscess was demonstrated phase.
     After the incision is recommended controls in a week or more to the incision wound healing in order to really heal completely.


     Keep face and hand washing before touching the face to hordeolum not easily repeated.
     Wipe the eyelids gently used warm washlap to clean up the excretion of fat glands.
     Keep eye make-up equipment to avoid contamination by germs.
     Use goggles if traveling in dusty areas.
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You should know that health is expensive!

Yeah Right .. You should know that health is expensive!. Why?. Because if you're experiencing pain much less severe pain such as cancer then you should get ready to spend big money to cure your disease is. You can imagine yourself if you are suffering from cancer of the brain that make your life very soon?. Of course whatever money you spend will definitely be very expensive even though you pay because you want a speedy recovery.

So, it's time you maintain better health by preventing the onset of illness which at times come into your body, set up a healthy diet and adequate rest. If you can maintain good health then surely your body will be healthy and away from various diseases.

You can see yourself on TV, lots of natural disasters, global warming, pollution all of which could endanger the health of your body. Let's start now keep our good health!. In this blog you can find all information about health tips are very useful for you!
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About Me

Hello Friends ..

This is my first blog. I Mr.Frahmat and through this simple blog I want to share information about health tips for you. All information about health tips in this blog I have written and come from my personal knowledge and experience, as well as from several sources on the internet that I have outlined.

Hopefully what I write and I have to say on this blog useful for you especially for your health, because we know that health care is expensive. You can give positive comments to this blog so this blog could grow again.

Happy reading and enjoy!

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